Anti-Inflammatory Foods List (PDF)

What if I told you there were certain foods you can add into your diet, starting today, that will help heal chronic inflammation and nourish your body at a cellular level? Read on to learn how to combat chronic inflammation using the natural healing power of nutrition.

What is inflammation?

Inflammation is the body’s response to foreign invaders, injury, and illness. During acute inflammation, the immune system sends out chemicals to aid in healing from injury or infection. Once that’s taken care of, the immune system settles down. Chronic, low-grade inflammation, however, occurs when the immune system continues to send out inflammatory chemicals, even when there is no immediate threat, which can last several months or more. This can damage healthy tissue and harm your health.

Chronic inflammation is tied to numerous health ailments, such as arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, digestive issues, premature aging, fatigue, chronic pain, endometriosis, neurodegenerative diseases, weight gain, depression and more. As such, it’s crucial to make lifestyle changes that can help lower and prevent chronic inflammation and all of the aforementioned chronic illnesses!

Why Focus on
Anti-Inflammatory Foods?

Like many health conditions, chronic inflammation is significantly influenced by lifestyle factors including diet and nutrition, exercise and stress. The food and beverages you consume either help fight inflammation or exacerbate it. This is good news - you have much more control over your health than you think!

Making diet changes is an excellent, not to mention EASY, way to target chronic inflammation. By consuming nutrient-rich, anti-inflammatory foods on a daily basis, you reduce your risk of illness and simultaneously boost energy and skin health!

The Power of an
Anti-Inflammatory Vegan,
Plant-Based Diet

Your diet plays a critical role in your health and well-being. There are certain foods you should eat daily to ensure you arm your body with protection against the multitude of insults thrown your way during the course of a day – many of which, like pollutants, contribute to chronic inflammation.

The foods in this list are all plant-based foods known for their anti-inflammatory properties. A nutritious diet rich in colorful, plant-powered foods ensures you receive powerful nutrients to support your body’s ability to manage inflammation and also provide a range of other health benefits, including:

  • Prevention against chronic illness including prediabetes and diabetes

  • Weight management

  • Blood sugar stability

  • Improved digestion

  • Enhanced energy levels

  • Better cardiovascular health

  • Glowing skin from the inside out

Your goal is to avoid the “pro-inflammatory” foods, or the ones that contribute to inflammation (think foods high in saturated and trans fats, and many junk-type fodos), and replace them with phytonutrient-rich foods known to boost health and fight inflammation. Phytonutrients, by the way, are special compounds only found in plant-based foods that yield outstanding health benefits!

The vibrant array of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes and whole grains included in this guide are ones that I incorporate into my Vegan Detox Program. They supply your body with phytonutrients, antioxidants, healthy fats, and anti-inflammatory nutrients! Take note that these nutrients go far beyond what you see on a standard food label. So, you have to start thinking about food differently.

Let this guide be your starting point for embracing a diet that supports your health from the inside out.

The Vegan Detox Program: Putting this into action!

Transform your health with The Vegan Detox nutrition program, specially designed to incorporate all of these Anti-Inflammatory Foods and revitalize your body!

Tip: Choosing brightly-colored foods is a surefire way to consume potent anti-inflammatory, cell-protecting nutrients

Anti-Inflammatory Food List Categories

  • Anti-Inflammatory Foods List PDF


  • Anti-Inflammatory Foods List PDF


  • Anti-Inflammatory Foods List PDF


  • Anti-Inflammatory Foods List PDF

    Whole Grains

  • Anti-Inflammatory Foods List PDF

    Nuts & Seeds

  • Anti-Inflammatory Foods List PDF


  • Anti-Inflammatory Foods List PDF

    Spices & Herbs

  • Anti-Inflammatory Foods List PDF


Anti-Inflammatory Foods List

Here is the list of anti-inflammatory foods to eat on a daily basis to ensure you saturate your body with nutrients! These are all foods packed with vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants, and fiber. Remember that blood sugar stability is a key component to an anti-inflammatory diet, and rotating these foods into your daily diet will help you attain this. I’ve linked to several products that I like (if you do click and make a purchase, I may receive a small compensation at zero cost to you). Read on and start your anti-inflammatory diet journey today! I have linked to some of my favorite products here and these are affiliate links; as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases (at zero cost to you)!


Anti-Inflammatory Foods List PDF

Fruit is an outstanding source of nutrition that should be a daily part of your anti-inflammatory diet. It’s nature’s sweetener that comes packed with blood sugar-stabilizing fiber and a plethora of phytonutrients that protect your body from the inside out.  Fruit is abundant in antioxidants like vitamin C and polyphenols, including flavonoids, which reduce inflammation by neutralizing free radicals that can cause cellular damage. Include these fruits in your daily diet to enjoy their remarkable health benefits.


Berries are true superfoods and are some of the healthiest foods on the planet. Their deep red, blue and purple hues signify their high anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and anti-cancer phytonutrient and antioxidant content. Rotate berries into your daily smoothies, oatmeal, overnight oats, salads, and healthy baked goods to reap their outstanding health benefits!

Anti-Inflammatory Berries:

  • Blueberries

  • Strawberries

  • Raspberries

  • Goji Berries

  • Cranberries

  • Kiwi (yes, kiwifruit is classified as a berry!)

  • Acai Berry (comes in a frozen puree form and makes outstanding smoothies)


Citrus Fruit

Citrus fruit combats inflammation by providing a high concentration of vitamin C and flavonoids (here are those phytonutrients, again!), which help to reduce oxidative stress and support the body's
anti-inflammatory processes. The nutrients in citrus fruit also support a healthy complexion!

Anti-Inflammatory Citrus Fruit:

  • Oranges

  • Tangerines

  • Clementines

  • Grapefruits

  • Lemons

  • Limes and Keylimes


Tropical Fruit

Tropical fruit contains several anti-inflammatory components, including vitamin C, bromelain, beta-carotene, and polyphenols. The Vitamin C, found in fruits like pineapple, papaya and mango, boosts collagen production and supports immune function, while bromelain in pineapple may help reduce swelling and pain. Additionally, potent antioxidants in pitaya (which, by the way, makes an incredible smoothie bowl), beta-carotene in papaya and mangoes, and polyphenols in various tropical fruits have antioxidant properties that reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, promoting overall health and a radiant complexion.

Anti-Inflammatory Tropical Fruit:

  • Dragon fruit / Pitaya (many times comes frozen, making bright pink delectable smoothies and smoothie bowls)
    - Also comes as a superfood powder form which is great for smoothies!

  • Pineapple

  • Mango

  • Papaya


Melon is an incredible source of the heart-healthy mineral potassium, plus inflammation-fighting antioxidants like beta-carotene, lycopene and vitamin C! It’s also a very weight-loss friendly food thanks to its high-water and fiber content.

Anti-Inflammatory Melon:

  • Watermelon

  • Cantaloupe

  • Honey Dew Melon

Dried Fruit

A key part of an anti-inflammatory diet is avoiding added sugars as much as possible. Take advantage of the natural sweetness found in dried fruits, which are rich in fiber, and essential minerals like potassium and magnesium, which support a healthy heart, digestion and energy. Look in the ingredients to make sure there is no added sugar nor preservatives added (common ones include sulfur dioxide and sulfites).

Use raisins and pitted dates for a naturally-sweet pick-me-up during the day. Medjool dates are naturally caramel-like and can be used in smoothies, energy balls, baked goods and eaten alone as a snack. Goji Berries are packed with extremely high antioxidant levels, including zeaxanthin, which promotes healthy eyes and quells oxidative stress.

Anti-Inflammatory Dried Fruit:


Despite being rich in heart-healthy fats, avocados are actually a fruit! Incorporating this nutrient powerhouse into your diet, in place of saturated fatty foods, can improve insulin resistance, provide essential vitamins and antioxidants, reduce inflammation, and support heart health and blood pressure.


All vegetables are packed with antioxidants and phytonutrients that help combat inflammation by neutralizing harmful free radicals in the body. In particular, leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, and vibrantly colored veggies stand out as powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer foods that also support natural weight management. Incorporating these into your daily diet is highly recommended!

Green Leafy Vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are some of the healthiest foods out there. They’re very low in calories but extremely high in nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and K, and anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic phytonutrients that protect your precious bodily cells. Aim to consume these daily – an amazingly easy way to do this is by making a daily green smoothie.  Here are some noteworthy green leafy veggies to blend into a delicious fruit smoothie or liven up a grain-based dish.

Anti-Inflammatory Green Leafy Veggies:

  • Kale

  • Spinach

  • Swiss Chard

  • Collard Greens

  • Mustard Greens

  • Arugula

  • Bok Choy

  • Watercress

Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables are packed with compounds that reduce inflammation, support detoxification, and lower the risk of certain cancers. These veggies contain glucosinolates, which are transformed into cancer-fighting substances when you finely chop or blend them. Blending kale, for example, is a fantastic way to ensure you reap these powerful benefits, making a daily kale smoothie an excellent addition to your routine!

Anti-Inflammatory Cruciferous Veggies:

  • Broccoli and Broccoli Sprouts

  • Kale

  • Brussels sprouts

  • Cauliflower (colored varieties, especially purple cauliflower is extra high in antioxidants)

  • Cabbage

  • Kohlrabi

  • Turnips

  • Mustard Greens


Other brightly-hued vegetables

Other brightly-colored vegetables, such as yams, beets, and bell peppers, are packed with vibrantly-colored phytonutrients like beta-carotene, betalains, and lycopene, which possess strong
anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties. The brighter the color, the higher the concentration of these nutrients, which help neutralize free radicals, reduce oxidative stress, and support healthy skin and cellular repair! And, don’t forget white vegetables like onions and garlic are rich in phytonutrients such as quercetin and allicin, which have antioxidant, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory properties.

Including a variety of these colorful vegetables in your diet, along with a daily green smoothie, can enhance your intake of these protective compounds, promoting overall wellness and vitality.

Other anti-inflammatory veggies:

  • Tomatoes and tomato products like tomato paste & sauce

  • Yams

  • Bell peppers

  • Sweet potatoes

  • Butternut squash

  • Beets

  • Corn

  • Carrots

  • Onion & Garlic

Anti-Inflammatory Foods List PDF


Anti-Inflammatory Foods List PDF

Legumes are heart-healthy, diabetes-fighting, and anti-inflammatory powerhouses that should be a staple in your daily diet. They are a great source of plant-based protein, and come packed with fiber, which helps stabilize blood sugar, curb hunger, and promote a healthy digestive tract—all key factors in reducing inflammation. In addition, legumes are rich in essential minerals and vitamins that optimize health and energy.

A diet rich in legumes also supports a healthy gut microbiome, fostering the growth of beneficial bacteria in your digestive system. This is linked to lower inflammation, a healthy body weight, and a robust immune system.

All types of legumes and beans offer significant health benefits. To maximize your nutritional intake, rotate different varieties into your meals daily. Opt for low-sodium canned versions with BPA-free lining, or if using regular canned beans, give them a good rinse to reduce excess sodium.

Anti-Inflammatory Legumes:

  • Green peas

  • Lentils

  • Chickpeas (Garbanzo Beans)

  • Black Beans

  • Kidney Beans

  • Navy Beans

  • Pinto Beans

  • Cannellini Beans

  • Whole soy foods such as Soybeans, Edamame and Tofu

Whole Grains

Anti-Inflammatory Foods List PDF

Much like legumes, whole grains are a nutritional powerhouse, packed with fiber that promotes gut health—a crucial factor in reducing inflammation. They're also loaded with antioxidants like polyphenols and essential nutrients such as magnesium and selenium, which actively improve health and fight inflammation. The slow, steady release of energy from whole grains helps prevent blood sugar spikes, supporting overall metabolic health. Including whole grains in your diet is a smart choice for sustained energy and long-term weight management.

Your goal is to replace the fiber-less carbohydrates (think white bread, pasta and rice, conventional crackers, chips and pastries) with fiber-full grains. And, you don’t need to avoid gluten-containing products unless you have a known adverse reaction to it (such as with Celiac Disease). If you prefer, choose naturally gluten-free grains like quinoa, certified gluten-free oats, and brown or wild rice.

Anti-Inflammatory Whole Grains:

Nuts and Seeds

Choosing the right fats is crucial for reducing inflammation in the body. Nuts and seeds are excellent sources of healthy fats. They are low in pro-inflammatory saturated fat, high in anti-inflammatory fatty acids and rich in nutrients like antioxidant Vitamin E, phytonutrients, and fiber, making it effortless to nourish your body.

Incorporate a variety of nuts and seeds into your daily diet to benefit from the diverse nutrients and vitamins they offer. Try to include a mix of both raw and dry-roasted nuts. A great approach is to use raw nuts in smoothies and energy balls while enjoying dry-roasted nuts as an anti-inflammatory snack paired with fruit throughout the day. Opt for dry-roasted nuts to avoid oils being heated to high temperatures, which can contribute to the formation of pro-inflammatory compounds.

It’s best to store your nuts and seeds in an air-tight container in the refrigerator. You can also freeze them to preserve them!

Anti-Inflammatory Nuts and Seeds:

Anti-Inflammatory Oils

Anti-Inflammatory Foods List PDF

While whole-food fat sources, like nuts, seeds and olives, are the best choices for fats, certain oils also play a role in an anti-inflammatory diet. Extra virgin olive oil, for instance, contains oleocanthal, a compound known for its ability to reduce inflammation in the body. Similarly, omega-3-rich oils like flaxseed oil help balance the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio, which is important for managing chronic inflammation. These oils not only provide anti-inflammatory benefits but also supply essential fatty acids that support brain health and may boost immune function.

Best Anti-Inflammatory Oils for Cooking


Best Anti-Inflammatory Oils for salad dressings or any recipes that don’t involve heating the oil

Omega-3 Rich Algal Oil

Algal oil is a plant-based source of essential omega-3 fats, EPA and DHA, which help reduce inflammation and support brain health. It’s an excellent way to obtain these essential fatty acids without the risk of pollutants and contaminants found in fish. You’ll also avoid the fishy after-taste and digestive upset that can accompany fish oil.

I personally use Nature’s Way Plant-Based Omega-3 Oil. This is the only product that did not cause any stomach upset whatsoever for me!

Herbs and Spices

Anti-Inflammatory Foods List PDF

Herbs and spices are not just flavor enhancers; they are packed with bioactive compounds that deliver potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. Turmeric, with its key component curcumin, effectively targets inflammatory pathways, while ginger’s gingerol and garlic’s allicin provide robust protection against oxidative stress and inflammation. By weaving these vibrant spices into your meals, you not only elevate the taste, but also amplify your diet's health-boosting power. Pairing these antioxidant-rich flavor boosters with vegetables gives you a double dose of nutrition, making it a winning combination for both taste and well-being.

Here are some delicious and inflammation-fighting herbs and spices to try:

  • Cinnamon

  • Cloves

  • Ginger

  • Garlic & Garlic powder (not garlic salt) is an excellent anti-inflammatory option for flavoring food with cardiovascular (heart) benefits!

  • Cacao Powder

  • Rosemary

  • Dill

  • Oregano

  • Curry Powder

  • Turmeric

  • Black Pepper and Cayenne Pepper

  • Cumin

  • Thyme

  • Basil

  • Nutritional Yeast - This delicious plant-based seasoning provides a cheesy, savory flavor with an energizing boost of B-Vitamins and protein! It’s an inactive “nutritional” yeast - I promise you’ll think it’s delicious!


Anti-Inflammatory Foods List PDF

Anti-Inflammatory Beverages

Staying hydrated is vital to good health and can help lower inflammation by supporting bodily functions and flushing out toxins. It’s important to choose beverages that support your health while avoiding those that can exacerbate inflammation! Focus on beverages that are naturally free from artificial sweeteners and added sugars, as these can contribute to inflammation and undermine your dietary goals. Opt for pure water, which is essential for hydration, and consider adding a splash of fresh fruit for natural flavor. Additionally, metabolism-boosting green tea, and other herbal teas, offer a wealth of antioxidants to support your overall well-being.

Choose from the following anti-inflammatory diet-friendly beverage list daily:

  • Pure filtered or Spring Water is the best source of hydration. Try enlivening your water by adding the following and letting it “infuse” in the refrigerator for a few hours:

    • Sliced lemon or limes paired with ginger

    • Fresh watermelon

    • Pineapple slices

    • Cucumber and mint

    • Berries, fresh or frozen


  • Tea - A key beverage in any anti-aging, anti-inflammatory diet! Avoid adding sugar and cow’s milk or creamers to tea. Try to get used to the natural flavor of tea to support your body’s health. Add in the following tea varieties to your diet regimen to give your energy and health a boost:

  • Coffee – Yes! Coffee is part of an anti-inflammatory diet if you skip pro-inflammatory additives like cow’s milk, cream, sugar, and artificial sweeteners. It’s rich in antioxidants and can help boost metabolism and energy.

    Opt for unsweetened non-dairy creamers or “milks,” and boost its benefits with a pinch of cinnamon or cacao powder. For the highest antioxidant content, choose a lighter roast, though medium roast is a good alternative if you prefer darker flavors.

  • 100% Pure Coconut Water – A refreshing anti-inflammatory beverage that’s packed with essential electrolytes like potassium and magnesium. Its natural composition helps keep you hydrated and supports overall bodily functions, while its antioxidants work to reduce inflammation and fight oxidative stress. It’s naturally sweet and completely delicious.

Non-Dairy Yogurt

A healthy gut microbiome, where one has favorable amounts of “good” bacteria in their digestive tract, is essential for staving off chronic inflammation.

Eating and drinking foods that contain probiotics contributes to a healthy gut microbiome. Non-dairy yogurt supports this by delivering beneficial probiotics that promote gut health, without the inflammatory dairy proteins found in cow's milk yogurt. Boost your anti-inflammatory diet more by adding fresh organic berries to your yogurt!

This is one of my favorite brands of Cashew Yogurt!

Plant-Based Protein Powder

Anti-Inflammatory Foods List PDF

For a plant-based, anti-inflammatory lifestyle, it's important to choose clean protein powders that are free from additives and artificial sweeteners. I personally love and use NAKED Nutrition, a trusted brand that fits this criteria perfectly. They offer high-quality options like Pea Protein and Seed Protein Powder. These products provide a clean, nutrient-dense source of protein that supports your dietary goals without triggering inflammation, making them excellent choices for maintaining a balanced, plant-based diet.

Packaged Snacks

Anti-Inflammatory Foods List PDF

While highly processed junk foods loaded with additives and sugars can fuel inflammation in the body, there are plenty of healthier, plant-based snack options that support an anti-inflammatory lifestyle, especially when you’re on the go.

Try these pre-packaged snacks that are made with more natural ingredients and are suitable for an anti-inflammatory diet.

Transform Your Diet with
Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Here are a few ways you can effortlessly incorporate powerful anti-inflammatory foods into your daily routine:

1. Supercharge Your Smoothies: Take your morning smoothie to the next level by blending in a handful of antioxidant-rich berries, nutrient-dense spinach, and protein-packed hemp seeds. These ingredients don’t just taste great—they’re loaded with anti-inflammatory compounds that support overall health. To amplify the benefits even more, add a scoop of plant-based protein powder or a dash of turmeric for an extra boost. Ready for a game-changer? Join The Green Smoothie Challenge and enjoy all these powerful nutrients in one delicious, revitalizing blend!

2. Upgrade Your Salads: Transform your salads into nutrient-packed powerhouses by starting with a base of vibrant leafy greens like spinach or kale. Add in creamy avocado for healthy fats, crunchy nuts like almonds or walnuts for texture and protein, and a sprinkle of dried fruits such as raisins or apricots for a touch of natural sweetness. For an extra boost, include colorful vegetables like bell peppers and tomatoes, and finish with a drizzle of olive oil and a squeeze of fresh lemon to tie all the flavors together. Your salad will be as delicious as it is nourishing.

3. Enhance Your Soups, Stews, and Grain-Based Dishes: Elevate your meals by incorporating anti-inflammatory spices like turmeric and garlic, along with prebiotic-rich ingredients such as lentils, beans, and quinoa. Adding cruciferous vegetables will further boost the nutritional value, ensuring your dishes are both anti-inflammatory and flavorful!

4. Snack Smarter: Trade in processed, unhealthy snacks for nutrient-dense options that combat inflammation. Choose a handful of almonds or walnuts, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and pair with fruit. Fresh fruit such as berries, or naturally sweet dried fruits like apricots and figs, make for satisfying and health-boosting alternatives that your body will truly appreciate.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not meant to be used in place of medical advice. Please consult your medical provider on all health, medical and/or diet-related concerns. 

Conclusion: Putting this into action!

Anti-Inflammatory Foods List PDF

Integrating anti-inflammatory foods into your diet can support your body's natural healing, help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce chronic disease risk, and enhance your energy and vitality. Now that you know which foods to incorporate daily, it's time to take action.

For a step-by-step guide, try the Vegan Detox Program by plant-based Dietitian, Rachelle Caves. This energizing nutrition program is designed to detoxify your body from
pro-inflammatory foods while teaching you how to incorporate anti-inflammatory foods into your diet.

With an easy-to-follow 21-day plan, you'll be on your way to revitalizing your health and achieving long-term balance and energy. Learn more about the Vegan Detox Diet today and experience the benefits of expert nutrition in a plant-based, anti-inflammatory lifestyle program.

Download the Anti-Inflammatory Foods list PDF below!